
The goals of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents are to:

  • Significantly influence the development and implementation of the best possible education practices in the school districts of Florida.
  • Assist superintendents in implementing those practices as well as in meeting requirements established by law and regulations.
  • Enhance the professionalism and image of Florida superintendents as the Chief Executive Officers of Florida school districts.
  • Ensure that superintendents are well informed on current issues and on the plans and actions of State government (executive, legislative, and judicial).
  • Promote opportunities for collegial support and fellowship among superintendents in Florida.
  • Provide a forum through which superintendents can address State and Federal decision makers on matters which directly impact the membership and the quality of education in their districts.
  • Strengthen the statewide influence of superintendents by developing among them consensus on vital issues, accommodating the points of view of superintendents who are both elected and appointed; from large districts and small districts; and from rural, urban, and suburban areas.
  • Provide a variety of training and developmental experiences for superintendents for their continuous professional growth.